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How we look for candidates

We look efficiently

Thanks to many years of experience and proven methodology, we can effectively find ideal candidates even in difficult-to-fill positions throughout the Czech labor market.

Throughout the process, we will keep you in touch and adjust your search exactly to your needs.

98 of the 100 employees found remain in work even after the trial period.

We act immediately, we do not delay anything

When you work with us, you will also appreciate the speed of the work. We are starting to search immediately to provide you with good quality candidates.


First feedback within 3 days

We will give you feedback within 2-3 days of the situation on the labor market and the probability of successfully finding the right candidates.

We are in touch with you throughout the entire search phase and we are consulting your requirements for candidates.


How and where to look for employees

Databases, advertisements, and LinkedIn are fine, but we do not find the right candidate there every time. More than 80% of the candidates are approached directly. Headhunting is an integral part of our work.

We will achieve the best result together when we have the most accurate assignments and we work on the position exclusively.


We refine search based on feedback

It is possible that you are changing your idea of an ideal candidate during the selection process. As we will be in touch together, we will be quicker to target other candidates and thus increase the chance of finding a suitable candidate.


We advise you how to select the right employee

Are not you sure how to choose between several applicants? Meet one of our experienced consultants. Two (or more :- ) heads are better than one.


Meet with experts

Na Kozačce 7, 120 00 Praha 2
+420 246 086 079 - 80

Kontaktní formulář

Round and sum (24.3 + 33.9) *

* Fields marked with star and bold are required.


R4U s. r. o.
Na Kozačce 1289/7, Praha 2 - Vinohrady, 120 00
IČ: 27567656, DIČ: CZ27567656
OR Sp. zn. C 114403 u MS v Praze

Contact us
Tel.: +420 246 086 079 - 80
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